Gold Coast Florist - Flowers at the Door | Florist Choice Arrangements and Bouquets

What does florist choice arrangements and bouquets really mean?  It's you giving full control over to the florist to select the most suitable flowers for the gift giving occasion from colour palette of flowers, style and lastly the types of flowers.  Experienced florists love these words as we all love to just do free form flower styling.  Be brave!  Be Bold and why not put the trust straight into our hands and be as surprised as the lucky person receiving the flowers.  This florist choice is an example of a style of flower styling you might like and select florist choice and we will then choose the colour palette, flowers and style it similar to the picture.  Need help identifying a flower name check out our flower love image and description gallery of flowers we have taken the time to photograph and given a brief description and season guide for your convenience.

The seasons are changing quickly at the moment end of October and we have seen the first of the peony rose - every girls favourite flower and the scent is soft and powdery.  Native bunched flowers are pretty and interesting with lots of colour.  Pin cushions are looking striking in the red / orange and orange / yellow colours.  Nuts galore!  A little light on the roses this week with Melbourne Cup next week ready for the big racing carnivals.  Don't forget to order your Melbourne Cup head gear while we still have just enough time.